
48’x60′ Used Modular Building Available

Check out this great Used Modular Building

Here’s the link to the used modular building product page on iModular.com. This building and other models with similar floor plans are available for rent or purchase nation wide:

48×60 Modular Building (Used) 24639
48’x60′ ( 2,880 sq ft) Modular building with 6 0ffices, 1 conference room, 2 bathrooms and HVAC.

Click Here to view the product detail.

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About the author

Matt Banes

Matt Banes

Call me directly and I will help you make the smartest decisions before you buy, rent or sell a modular building or portable classroom anywhere in the United States. (800) 806-7485.
Since 1988, I have helped thousands of businesses, public and private schools, and places of worship with decisions concerning planning, permitting, floor plan design and financing of temporary and permanent modular spaces. So, why wait? Call me directly at the Modular Building Help Line today!