
No Snow Day – From the Modular Building Systems Case Study Archive

Read on how modular building systems saved the day

Joseph Devlin was happily enjoying the Sunday newspaper, sheltered from the mid-January morning, when his maintenance team called. A wing of Summit Country Dayschool had collapsed. Yes collapsed! Modular building systems provider Satellite Shelters came to the rescue in short order and provided much needed space for the students and teachers.

Read this case study and learn how modular buildings can be the perfect solution to emergency facility needs at your school or business.
Read the full study here.

About the author

Matt Banes

Matt Banes

Call me directly and I will help you make the smartest decisions before you buy, rent or sell a modular building or portable classroom anywhere in the United States. (800) 806-7485.
Since 1988, I have helped thousands of businesses, public and private schools, and places of worship with decisions concerning planning, permitting, floor plan design and financing of temporary and permanent modular spaces. So, why wait? Call me directly at the Modular Building Help Line today!