
August 2019 Article About The Future of Modular Construction

Modular construction is quickly becoming a preferred method of building in the eyes of Architects, Engineers, and owners across the United States and abroad. In fact, many conventional building contractors are starting to view offsite construction as a faster and more economical way to deliver design-build solutions than their traditionally time-consuming and more costly site-built methods.

Christian Lawrence of Rise Modular
Christian Lawrence of Rise Modular

In the article below the founder of Rise Modular of Minnesota reveals his reasons for believing why modular construction will become the norm rather than the exception for all types of residential and commercial building projects.

This is a good read if you are considering modular construction for your own project or if you are a builder that wants to investigate a new way of delivering high-quality structures to your clients in less time and more economically.

Q&A: Builder sees future in modular construction

If you visit a construction site today, you’ll see the same sorts of workers, the same materials, the same hammers and nails that would’ve been a construction site from 40 or 50 years ago.

Need more information about modular building? iModular.com is here to help answer your questions and assist you with finding the best supplier for your space needs in the U.S. or Canada. Call our Toll Free Modular Building Help Line at (800) 806-7485.

About the author

Matt Banes

Matt Banes

Call me directly and I will help you make the smartest decisions before you buy, rent or sell a modular building or portable classroom anywhere in the United States. (800) 806-7485.
Since 1988, I have helped thousands of businesses, public and private schools, and places of worship with decisions concerning planning, permitting, floor plan design and financing of temporary and permanent modular spaces. So, why wait? Call me directly at the Modular Building Help Line today!