If you are in California and searching for a used modular classroom your timing is good – year round. Since 1998 we have helped thousands of California based schools, churches and daycare centers rent and purchase very affordable used modular classroom buildings. It seems as if this trend is continuing as demand for modular classroom space is always growing… and in the spring and summer seasons this will not stop as more schools will begin to figure out their temporary and permanent space needs.

classroom in California.
What are your modular classroom or modular office space needs? Here are the top reasons why people contact us for help buying and renting modular classrooms:
1. Out of space and need modular classrooms quickly.
2. Adding new educational or daycare programs and need more space.
3. Opening a new school or daycare center and prefer modular classroom space over building new.
4. Current modular classrooms are old and need replaced.
5. School construction has caused a need to relocate students and teachers into temporary modular classroom spaces.
Sound familiar? Here are some items to consider before you contact modular classroom companies for assistance:
1. Permits – contact your local building department and explain how you are planning to use the modular classroom. They will then inform you as to what you will need to obtain the required permits.
2. Know how many students/teachers you will need to accommodate in the modular classroom.
3. Have a good idea as to what you will want the modular classroom floor plan to look like.
4. Have a good idea as to how you want the interior and exterior of the modular classroom to look (finishes, colors, special needs like storage, kitchen, bathrooms).
5. Know when and where you will be placing the modular classroom on your campus..or be prepared to invite the modular classroom sales person to visit your campus and make suggestions.
6. Know what your budget is! How much a modular classroom should cost depends on many factors so do your homework and be prepared to explore options to buy or rent the space.
I hope this is helpful – and if so feel free to call us directly for help with your modular classroom project at the Modular Building Hotline (800) 806 -7485 or simply complete our modular building contact form and we will be right back in touch with you.