Living in a shipping container home is comfortable and fun according to the home owners in this video. If you are considering a shipping container home you will learn so many cool things from this family in New Orleans including some background about why they chose to build this stylish seven container, multi story house.
Watch the video below right here on iModular or on the iModular.com YouTube channel.
We Live In A Shipping Container | The New Homesmiths | Apartment Therapy
Seven gray metal rectangles create a stacked array of straight lines on a quiet street in New Orleans. These shipping containers once traveled along the Mississippi River. Now stationary, they make up the extraordinary home of Kicker Kalozdi, founder of premium bag company DamnDog, and his wife Anne Kalozdi, who is a biomedical engineer.
This is one of the best videos to watch if you are thinking about living in a home made from shipping containers. The couple from New Orleans does a good job of walking viewers through their decisions and designs.