modular building.
Modular building, or as some call it “prefabricated construction” has evolved over the past thirty years with the help of creative ingenuity and advanced building technologies for design and manufacturing. The changes in architectural design, engineering and manufacturing have literally catapulted commercial modular building and residential modular building into the spotlight as a viable alternative to conventional construction. However, one fact has remained in place throughout the development of modular building but this fact was surprisingly overlooked for many years – modular building is sustainable.
Sustainability is a term widely used now and it is often associated with “green building” and “eco friendly” construction. Regardless of the phrase, modular building is a process that combines design flexibility and quality construction with rapid assembly and speed to occupancy. So, by default off site construction (manufacturing) combined with the ability to create the office, classroom or housing space you need and have it ready for use in half the time of conventional construction has many “green” and sustainable benefits.
Modular Building is Sustainable Fact #1: Site work and manufacturing take place concurrently.
In a typical scenario using conventional building methods the actual building structure can’t be built until the preliminary site work and infrastructure are in place. This automatically impacts the construction time-line and can double the length of time to occupancy.
Modular building takes place in a controlled manufacturing facility away from the elements and other delay-causing factors. Think about it – all building materials are in one location, literally every aspect of the structure is built indoors while the site is being prepared with foundations, power, plumbing, etc. Weather delays for the structure are a none issue and once the site is prepared the project will rapidly take shape.