Financial Options Leasing & Rental

Know Your Options Before You Rent a Modular Building or Classroom

rent a modular building or classroom
Matt Banes
Written by Matt Banes

Do you need a temporary office trailer or portable classroom but don’t want to purchase it? Look into Modular Building rental.

Every business, school, and church experiences the need for “more space” at one point or another but many times the additional space isn’t needed forever. This is why every modular building and portable classroom supplier offers short-term and long-term rental options.

Renting a temporary modular building or portable classroom is a widespread practice and it’s surprisingly easy to do. Suppliers have streamlined this process so businesses and schools can solve space problems quickly and affordably. Renting is often the best option for a business or school that bases its budget on monthly cash flow and does not want to make an upfront investment using saved capital or credit.

Rent a modular building as a sales office or meeting center.
Rent a modular building for a sales office or meeting center.

Here are the most important tips you need to know before you rent any type of mobile office or modular building:

1.) First and foremost – will your local building and safety department allow you to place a modular building or portable classroom on your property? If you can’t answer this question your first step should be to either call your Building and Safety department (call your City Hall, Fire Department, or look this up on the web) or employ the services of an architect or engineer to handle this process for you.

2.) Know how much space you need and where it will be located on your property. Ask your staff how many people or students will need to have space and if bathrooms or other features are needed/required by law inside the modular building. Also, know what floor plan will be the best fit for your business or school space.

3.) When will you need to occupy the modular building and for how long? This is pretty straightforward and will affect the rental prices quoted to you by suppliers. Consider all aspects of your requirements and be sure that you can make a firm commitment to the rental company for a minimum period.

4.) What is your budget? How much can you afford per month for the modular building rental and how much cash can you pay for delivery, installation, and items like a handicap ramp and steps for access into the modular? You can request price quotes and compare the offers from modular suppliers on this page.

* Also keep in mind that you may need additional site work if your Building and Safety or Fire Department require things such as setbacks from existing structures, additional parking, emergency access, etc. – all of which will require funds to cover the work and applicable fees. Read our Guide about site selection for more help.

I hope this quick post helps make your work a bit easier. If you would like to ask me (Matt Banes) additional questions feel free to call (800) 806-7485.

About the author

Matt Banes

Matt Banes

Call me directly and I will help you make the smartest decisions before you buy, rent or sell a modular building or portable classroom anywhere in the United States. (800) 806-7485.
Since 1988, I have helped thousands of businesses, public and private schools, and places of worship with decisions concerning planning, permitting, floor plan design and financing of temporary and permanent modular spaces. So, why wait? Call me directly at the Modular Building Help Line today!